ROUS Phileas Fogg

Born August 16, 2014

Fawn European Roan Rex Dumbo

Phil was my keeper from his litter pretty much the minute he opened his eyes and started rushing at me every time I'd come near the cage. This guy is a charmer. He loves to be with people and he also loves to nap in his hammock. We've decided he's the Matthew McConaughey of rats and plan to get him a tiny set of bongos. All right all right all right.

Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
WINE Francis
Black Berkshire Dumbo Rex
SITH Wooly Monkey
Black European Roan Dumbo Rex
PNZY George
Agouti Self Dumbo
Agouti Self Dumbo
SITH Anastasia
Black European Roan Dumbo Rex
SITH Salsa
Russian Blue European Roan Dumbo Double Rex
SITH Yukon Gold
Agouti Self Dumbo Rex
SITH Adora
Agouti Self Dumbo Rex
WINE Dasha
Russian Agouti Irish Dumbo
Russian Blue Dumbo Rex
SITH Seabiscuit JOY
Dwarf Agouti
SITH Pancakes JOY
Platinum Agouti Dumbo Rex
JOY Cheescake WINE
Russian Agouti
SITH Seabiscuit JOY
Dwarf Agouti
SITH Pancakes JOY
Platinum Agouti Dumbo Rex
SITH Phlox
Russian Agouti European Roan Dumbo Rex
PNZY George
Agouti Self Dumbo
Agouti Self Dumbo
JOY Bamboo Shoot SITH
Russian Blue Self Dumbo
JOY SITH Lady Margaret
Agouti European Roan Dumbo
SITH Anastasia
Black European Roan Dumbo Rex
PNZY Prince Charming SITH
Black European Roan Dumbo
SITH Adora
Agouti Self Dumbo Rex
SITH Wooly Sheep
Agouti European Roan Dumbo Rex
PNZY George
Agouti Self Dumbo
Agouti Self Dumbo
SITH Anastasia
Black European Roan Dumbo Rex
SITH Salsa
Russian Blue European Roan Dumbo Double Rex
SITH Yukon Gold
Agouti Self Dumbo Rex
SITH Adora
Agouti Self Dumbo Rex
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Rats software (tel: +44 1223 514074), Standard Edition licensed to Lynn Rosskamp.

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