SINS Kevin 2: Electric Boogaloo

Born January 7, 2016

Russian blue point siamese harvel

Oh Kevin. Kevin, Kevin, Kevin. Kevin, now in his second incarnation, is less a name than a ceremonial position in the rattery. Kev the First was a bizarre but outgoing fellow and Kev the Second is no different. To be a Kevin, you must be willing to completely ignore the laws of physics (gravity in particular), the wishes of your cagemates, the desires of your humans and pretty much everything else around you that gets in the way of whatever bizarre mission you find yourself setting out on. It also helps that Kev looks a lot like Doc Brown from Back to the Future or possibly a miniature Bernie Sanders.

With his buddy Baldrick, comparing hair care regimens

Guarding his fortress with Phillip acting as backup

"I said NO KISSES!" Simon does not take no for an answer.

Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
SINS Kevin's Dad RMIS Balloo
Russian Blue Self Dumbo
RMIS Twitch
Black Self Dumbo
RMIS Mirin
Russian Blue Self Dumbo
SITH JOY Antigone
Black Self Dumbo
RMIS Xantus
Russian Blue Burmese Dumbo
RMIS Maurice
Black Eyed Siamese
TOPI Aubrietta
Burmese Dumbo
ROUS Evelyn
Russian Blue Berkshire Harvel
TOPI Turtle
Mink American Irish Dumbo Harley Coat
RMIS Tungsten
Black Berkshire Dumbo Harley Coat
RMIS Illiana
Dove Berkshire
RMIS Thisbe
Dove American Irish Velveteen
ROUS Jacobi
Russian Blue Hooded Velveteen
RMIS Vetala
Dove Harley Coat
SINS Kevin's Mom
Russian Blue
RMIS Balloo
Russian Blue Self Dumbo
RMIS Twitch
Black Self Dumbo
RMIS Mirin
Russian Blue Self Dumbo
SITH JOY Antigone
Black Self Dumbo
RMIS Xantus
Russian Blue Burmese Dumbo
RMIS Maurice
Black Eyed Siamese
TOPI Aubrietta
Burmese Dumbo
ROUS Evelyn
Russian Blue Berkshire Harvel
TOPI Turtle
Mink American Irish Dumbo Harley Coat
RMIS Tungsten
Black Berkshire Dumbo Harley Coat
RMIS Illiana
Dove Berkshire
RMIS Thisbe
Dove American Irish Velveteen
ROUS Jacobi
Russian Blue Hooded Velveteen
RMIS Vetala
Dove Harley Coat
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Rats software (tel: +44 1223 514074), Standard Edition licensed to Lynn Rosskamp.

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