TOPI Eulalie Mackechnie Shinn

Born May 3, 2012

Russian blue bareback

Eulalie, named for the character in the Music Man (I love Hermione Gingold!), is a teensy little spitfire of a rat. She's as big as a minute and as feisty as bantamweight boxer. She's a great runner on her wheel and keeps a very trim figure as a result. She is also our canary in the coal mine for mites - if there is a single mite in King County, Eulalie will start scratching and alert me to the need to medicate the gang. She is the brother of Steelix, who is twice her size but can't match her for sheer cussedness.

Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
TOPI Panthro
Black Masked
TOPI Kerfuffle
Russian Silver Capped Rex
TTR Mc P. Pants TOPI
Russian Blue Berkshire Rex
TTR Smokie
Blue Berkshire
TTR Oochie
Russian Blue Bareback Rex
Agouti Bareback Rex
TTR Mc P. Pants TOPI
Russian Blue Berkshire Rex
TOPI Accalia
Cinnamon Cap Stripe Velveteen
TOPI Angelica Pickles
Agouti Masked Rex
TTR Mc P. Pants TOPI
Russian Blue Berkshire Rex
TTR Smokie
Blue Berkshire
TTR Oochie
Russian Blue Bareback Rex
TOPI Cleopatra
Beige Patched Dumbo
Silver Mink Blaze Dumbo Velveteen
TOPI Svenna
Black Possum Dumbo
TOPI Gothorita
Black Variegated
TOPI Cattywampus
Russian Silver Collared
TTR Mc P. Pants TOPI
Russian Blue Berkshire Rex
TTR Smokie
Blue Berkshire
TTR Oochie
Russian Blue Bareback Rex
Agouti Bareback Rex
TTR Mc P. Pants TOPI
Russian Blue Berkshire Rex
TOPI Accalia
Cinnamon Cap Stripe Velveteen
TOPI Officer X
Agouti Collared Velveteen
TTR Mc P. Pants TOPI
Russian Blue Berkshire Rex
TTR Smokie
Blue Berkshire
TTR Oochie
Russian Blue Bareback Rex
TOPI Maggie
Cinnamon Hooded Rex
TTR Mc P. Pants TOPI
Russian Blue Berkshire Rex
TOPI Accalia
Cinnamon Cap Stripe Velveteen
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Rats software (tel: +44 1223 514074), Standard Edition licensed to Lynn Rosskamp.

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