ROUS Budgie

Born October 29, 2017

Russian Blue Roan Dumbo Rex

Budgie is a classic roan: silly, happy, funny and so interested in hanging out with humans. You can't help but love this guy.

Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
ROUS Cedar
Russian Agouti European Roan Dumbo
ROUS Peace
Dove European Roan Dumbo
PNZY Pecan Pie
Black European Roan Dumbo
PNZY Rollo
Black Self Dumbo
Agouti European Roan Dumbo Rex
ROUS Eugenia
Russian Blue European Roan Dumbo Rex
Russian Blue European Roan Dumbo
ROUS Pinkie Pie
Agouti European Roan Dumbo Double Rex
TMLS Juniper
Agouti Irish Dumbo
SITH Tyrion
Fawn Dumbo Rex
SITH Truffle
Agouti Self Dumbo Rex
SITH Georgina
Agouti Self Dumbo
TMLS Amethyst
Pearl Merle Variberk Dumbo Rex
TMLS Shady
Mink Variegated
TMLS Dragon Fly
Pearl Merle Berkshire Dumbo Rex
ROUS Little Wing
Black Self Dumbo Rex
LASC Harry Jr.
Black Self Dumbo
PNZY Gandalf
Agouti European Roan Dumbo Rex
PNZY Rollo
Black Self Dumbo
Agouti European Roan Dumbo Rex
PNZY Georgia Peach
Agouti Self Dumbo Rex
PNZY Rollo
Black Self Dumbo
Agouti European Roan Dumbo Rex
ROUS The Empress
Black European Roan Dumbo Rex
ROUS Boogie
Dove European Roan Dumbo Rex
ROUS Coyote Tango
Dove European Roan Dumbo Rex
PNZY ROUS Pachinko
Dove Self Dumbo
SITH Paprika
Agouti Self Dumbo Rex
SITH Truffle
Agouti Self Dumbo Rex
SITH Georgina
Agouti Self Dumbo
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Rats software (tel: +44 1223 514074), Standard Edition licensed to Lynn Rosskamp.

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